Wednesday, July 4, 2007

A series of unfortunate events, and other not-so unfortunate ones.

Yeah. Story of my life... I'm down on the ground, (literally) thanks to the two most crucial discs in my lower back that just couldn't shut up and stay in place. Talk about rebelling! So, I am now expected to correct my posture, walk a lot, and give up drumming for a while... I can't and so I won't even begin to describe my angst. Prolly have a song about these trying times in our next album! ;)

And our manager - Mr. Khandige finally laid his duties to rest. He quit! Which leaves me with more work to do, which just rocks since my sitting-at-the-comp time is limited, thanks to my back! Life!

In the not-so unfortunate news section, however, we finally uploaded some samples of our upcoming album onto our myspace account, at
and the wrapper is off our new website, which is all shiny and what-not. Visit it at and tell us what you think by mailing in at

The album mixing is going well, we've got a couple of more songs to go through before we send it across the seas to the outback for mastering. So, all that's good.

And seeing as we're on a good note, I'll end this post here, and wait for more bad news before posting again... ;) Just kidding. I'll be more regular, I promise!



Unknown said...

Hey sis! Bad news on your dodgy discs. (insert joke about not having the spine, etc.) Saw website, MORE PHOTOS!!
Love the songs.

Jay said...

Heyy.. Sad news to hear.. Do take care of that back of yours!

Hari Shenoy said...

hey, awesome website, I say!!! Now sitting and writing stuff for the mag, I've got a decent bit to write about - corny jokes and polysyllabic words and all - an article that would do KP proud!

Unknown said...

Rishi here from a band called "SILVER" based in Pune.
Just went through your blog and honestly speaking I was touched.
I`m sure d day is not far behind
when you`ll definately make it big in the international
Do take care of u`r back.

May the forces of a million drummers be with you always.

Here`s one fan added to your list.
Y not :-)


bent mind said...

write more often?

Can you hear me ?? said...

Hello Yasmin,

Happened to bump into your blog while I was surfing. Yes, I have heard of Myndsnare and have heard good reviews while I used to live in b'lore.

Sad to hear about your back and I hope a speedy recovery. While you are recovering, if you would like to guest author for my blog on drumming, I will be glad. We could work a deal out between us. If you would like to know more, Write a mail to and I will give you more details.


Can you hear me ?? said...

Just realized,

your post is very old :)
Still you could mail me if you would consider blogging.

Akash said...

Yaz, get well soon! I pray for you. Good luck,

Akash (shrapnel)