Talk about coincidences! My maiden post coincides exactly with Bangalore's first Iron Maiden concert...
Ah! Iron Maiden... my first awakening to the possibilities of music that allows one to express one's teenage angst... and as I discovered some years ago, a lot of not-quite-so-much-of-a- teenage-any-more angst as well. It'll be mind-blowing watching the Gods of yore wreak havoc upon us, whilst struggling to stand on one toe, shoulder to shoulder with approximately 49,999 other identically angry, screaming Maiden fans (of course, there will be some folks who bought their tickets to be a part of the latest trend, but who gives a rat's bottom!? Iron Maiden's coming!).
Funny thing is, everyone in town has been on a non-caffeine induced "Dude!!!! IRON MAIDEN MAN!!!" trip for a few weeks now. And truthfully, I've been quite placid about it. And why shouldn't I be? I could afford to be nonchalant about it, 'cause unlike the poor sods I hang out with, I've actually caught them once before with my brother in Manchester. But I guess the band was right... "Iron Maiden's gonna get me... again!" And I seem to have "gotten" it an hour ago... And getting that led to this post, which led to a google image search so I could put up a cool band pic, which led to my discovering these inspiring images! I mean, who would've thought dear little sponge bob would be grow up to be an Eddie some day?! And I must say, the sponge bob ones are, if I may, ahem... "killer", so to speak. As for the ironing maiden below, well, its a nun... but we'll let that slide in the spirit of good humour.

So, let's hear it for the band that inspired us all! \m/ "Scream for me Bangalore!!!!!!!"
"And now I must sleep."
Ah! Iron Maiden... my first awakening to the possibilities of music that allows one to express one's teenage angst... and as I discovered some years ago, a lot of not-quite-so-much-of-a- teenage-any-more angst as well. It'll be mind-blowing watching the Gods of yore wreak havoc upon us, whilst struggling to stand on one toe, shoulder to shoulder with approximately 49,999 other identically angry, screaming Maiden fans (of course, there will be some folks who bought their tickets to be a part of the latest trend, but who gives a rat's bottom!? Iron Maiden's coming!).
Funny thing is, everyone in town has been on a non-caffeine induced "Dude!!!! IRON MAIDEN MAN!!!" trip for a few weeks now. And truthfully, I've been quite placid about it. And why shouldn't I be? I could afford to be nonchalant about it, 'cause unlike the poor sods I hang out with, I've actually caught them once before with my brother in Manchester. But I guess the band was right... "Iron Maiden's gonna get me... again!" And I seem to have "gotten" it an hour ago... And getting that led to this post, which led to a google image search so I could put up a cool band pic, which led to my discovering these inspiring images! I mean, who would've thought dear little sponge bob would be grow up to be an Eddie some day?! And I must say, the sponge bob ones are, if I may, ahem... "killer", so to speak. As for the ironing maiden below, well, its a nun... but we'll let that slide in the spirit of good humour.

So, let's hear it for the band that inspired us all! \m/ "Scream for me Bangalore!!!!!!!"
"And now I must sleep."
Bags me first comment.
Iron Maiden can hardly be called the "latest trend", Dear. I was listening to Dickenson's show on the BBC yesterday actually; tune in, it's quite good.
P.S you can edit this comment, but surely you mean 'led' not 'lead'
There he goes, making his pedantic comments already! We've all been instructed to come and say hi so....Hi! :o)
Hi Rachel,
Thanks for being bullied into visiting! :) And yeah, hi!
hey Yas! just searched ur blog name and found it! yup maiden totally KILLED...have the ticket saved up for platinum posterity :-)
pity we couldn't catch up after the gig/next day.
next time definitely!
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